Determinants of poverty in rural Ethiopia: evidence from Tenta woreda, Amhara Region

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc, Geography and Environmental Studies Department, College of Social Science, Addis Ababa university, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

2 MSc, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Social Science College, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia and Member of Geographic Data and Technology Center of Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.



Purpose:Poverty is a challenge facing all countries but worst in Sub-Sahara African. Ending poverty in its all form is the Nation’s 2030 core goals where Ethiopia is striving. Therefore, to step forward the effort, it is necessary to assess rural poverty. Accordingly, the study intended to investigate the determinants of rural poverty at the household level in Tenta district, South Wollo Zone.
Methods: A mixed research design is employed to frame the study and 196 representative samples are identified using a multistage sampling technique from three agroecological zones. Primary data are collected through a detailed structured household survey which involves questionnaires, semi-structured interview and FGD techniques. Cost of Basic Needs (CBN) method and a binary logistic regression model is used for analyzing data.
Results: The result unveils that the total poverty line of the study area is 387.43 ETB per person per month and 4649.16 ETB per year where 67.3% of the societies are poor. The probability of rural household flees from poverty increases as they own beehive, large farmland size, oxen and small ruminant animals, and as the household headed by a male. On the other hand, family size and non/off-farm activities increase the probability of poor. Therefore, sex of household head, farmland holding size, beehive ownership, number of oxen and number of small ruminants, household size and non/off-farm activities were determinant factors of rural poverty.
Conclusion: The national, and regional governments should work together on family planning, farm income diversification and design gender-based anti-poverty development policy to curb poverty.


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